
We offer international training (PADI and SSI), which both provide certifications recognized in the whole world. The difference is the E-learning content.  If you feel lost to choose an  agency, follow this link

For the quality of training, we limit the class to 3 students per instructor.

Scuba Diver

To learn diving under the supervision of dive professional up to 12 m.


Course prerequisites :

  • medical certificate signed by a doctor saying you are fit to dive
  • A previous introduction dive is highly recommended
  • 12 years old as minimum

Includes  :

  • 1 confined water dive
  • 2 open water dives
  • diving insurance
  • All diving gears
  • teaching materials and certification  

Duration: 2days


-10% for 3 people

Openwater (OW)

To learn diving in autonomy up to 18 m.


Course prerequisites :

  • medical certificate signed by a doctor saying you are fit to dive
  • A previous introduction dive is highly recommended
  • 12 years old as minimum

Includes  :

  • 2 confined water dive
  • 4 open water dives
  • diving insurance
  • All diving gears
  • teaching materials and certification  

Duration: 4 days


-10% for 3 people

Advanced Adventurer

To learn diving in autonomy up to 30 m. Choose 3 options among the followings  (with orientation and deep):

night dive/current/wreck/ search and find/bio/nitrox/flotability


Course prerequisites :

  • medical certificate signed by a doctor saying you are fit to dive
  • Open water or equivalent , 15 logged dives
  • 12 years old as minimum

Includes  :

  • 5 open water dives ( one has to be deep, one has to be navigation )
  • All diving gears
  • teaching materials and certification 

Duration: 3 days


-10% for 3 people

Advanced divers courses and specialities

Deep Speciality

Prerequisites : Open Water + 15 dives

Includes : 3 dives

This program provides the skills and concepts required to safely and comfortably dive beyond 18 meters and up to 40 meters.

Nitrox Speciality

Prerequisites : Open Water 

Includes : 2 dives

This course teaches the skills and concepts required to safely dive using enriched air mixtures of 32% or 40% oxygen.

Decompression diving Speciality

Prerequisites : 

16 years old as minimum

medical certificate

deep and nitrox 40 specialities

24 logged dives


Includes :

E-learning kit  and SSI certification fees. 

4 dives 

Go beyond the decompression limits with decompression diving.


The SSI decompression diving speciality will teach you how to dive beyond the no-decompression limits. You will learn to plan and conduct dive to a maximum depth of 40 meters with limited decompression up to 15 minutes using a single aditional  cylinder.


Navigation speciality

Prerequisites : Open Water 

Includes :3 dives

This course provides the skills and concepts required to safely and comfortably navigate underwater during a dive. You will learn how to use a compass and natural navigation techniques  and how to leave and return to a designated point. 

Stress and Rescue speciality.

Prerequisites : Open Water 

Includes :4 dives



This program teaches the skills and concepts required to identify stress, prevent accidents, and properly deal with emergency situations encountered by divers.

"React Right ", primary first aid.

Prerequisites : none.

Includes : theoretical training and educational workshops simulating emergency situations and assistance

This course teaches the skills and concepts required to provide emergency first responder assistance in emergency situations, including CPR and providing O2.